Terms & Conditions

First Class Nursery agrees to provide the services referred to in this prospectus under the following conditions:

1. The opening times are from 7.00am - 7.00pm as First Class Nursery is open from Monday to Friday all year. We are closed for all recognised Bank Holidays.

2. Fees are payable monthly in advance. An invoice will be provided in respect of each child before fees are due. Payment of fees must be made promptly. These may be paid by cash, direct debit or debit card. Late payment of fees will be subject to an additional charge of £60.00 for each working week payment that is overdue.

3. A £75 registration fee is required for each child. Upon receipt of a completed registration form with registration fee, the child’s name will be placed on the waiting list. The registration fee will be refundable only in the event First Class Nursery is unable to offer your child a place.

4. Fees will be reviewed annually in April.

5. No reduction in fees can be offered in the event a child is absent through illness, holiday or any other reason.

6. Notice in writing given one month in advance is required to withdraw your child from First Class Nursery.

7. Medicines will only be administered on completion of the necessary nursery medication forms, signed by the parent/carer. We are unable to accept any child suffering from an infectious disease, until the recognised isolation period has passed.

8. Any child with diarrhoea/sickness will not be accepted at the nursery until a full clear 48 hours has passed. The nursery will contact parents and request that a child is collected should it be felt that the child is not well enough to attend.

First Class Nursery has many policies and procedures which are available for viewing at any time.

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