Nursery Information


Regular attendance is required of all children. Periods of absence are found to be very distressing for children. All absences must be notified.


We encourage a very high standard of behaviour in all our children. Politeness of speech and consideration for others is emphasised at all times. Boundaries are made clear and implemented by staff in a firm but fair manner.

Partnership with Parents/Carers

We work closely with families carrying out a full induction procedure and liasing with you on a daily basis about your child's day at nursery. We regularly send out newsletters to keep parents informed. We work closely with you to record your child's progress and to plan their next steps via ' Famly ' our interactive on-line learning journals.


Children should be suitably dressed for the physical and creative activities that they will encounter throughout their session. Clothing should be practical and easy for a child to pull on and off to aid greater independence.

Sun protection including hats and creams must be clearly labelled and provided during periods of hot weather.

Children’s Property

We ask parents to discourage children from bringing in any personal items other than ‘comforters’. Children often become distressed if items are lost or broken. The nursery cannot accept liability for any loss or damage to property or clothing.

Toilet Training

Parents are asked to notify their child's Key Person when they begin toilet training their child.

The Nursery and the Community

The nursery plays a large role in the life of the community. We welcome those training on approved courses into the nursery as part of their studies. From time to time we hold sponsored events to raise money for local charities. Recent donations have benefited ‘Little Havens Hospice’ and ‘Guide Dogs for the Blind’. We also donate Easter eggs to local children’s hospitals and food hampers for the elderly at Harvest time. The nursery maintains close working links with many local schools to ensure a smooth transition to school.


We endeavour to make your child’s birthday a very special occasion within the nursery. You may bring in a cake for the celebration (Containing No Nuts).

Inclusion, Equality and Diversity

We endeavour to meet the wishes of all our families with equal merit and always seek to provide equality of opportunity at all times.

Special Needs and Disabilities

The high staff ratio present in the nursery enables us to provide close attention for each child. Every child is able to progress at their own rate in all areas of development. We are experienced at working in close liaison with professionals across the range of special needs. If you would like to discuss your own child’s special needs, please make an appointment with our Special Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO). The nursery participates in the Essex authority's local offer. 

Safeguarding/Children's Welfare

We operate a password collection procedure and intercom system. All staff are required to hold a clear DBS. Staff are never left alone with children for extended periods of time. References are taken for all employees and all staff work in accordance with our policies including Health and Safety, Safeguarding and Confidentiality. Designated co-ordinators ensure that people take responsibility for specific areas ensuring that procedures are in line with current legislation and staff are trained accordingly. Ratios are maintained at all times. We communicate with various outside agencies. Statutory Assessment tools may be used with children and families where there are concerns and for those who have additional needs.

As a registered care facility, parents are advised that we have a duty to inform the necessary authorities should we suspect that a child may be in need of protection. All staff are required to hold current safeguarding certificates.


If your child has an illness which prevents attendance at nursery for any length of time please inform the office in order that their place should not be offered to a child on our waiting list.

Should your child contract any contagious disease please notify the nursery immediately. A copy of conditions requiring periods of exclusion from the nursery is available on request.

Should your child become ill during the nursery day you will be notified and if deemed necessary asked to collect your child promptly.

In the event of an accident or illness requiring immediate medical treatment the nursery is responsible for obtaining such attention and treatment for the child. Parents are promptly notified.


If your child is receiving medication which requires administering during nursery hours you will be requested to give authorisation in our medications register. Staff are trained and experienced in administering many medications including those given to asthmatics.


All accidents are recorded and parents are made fully aware of any bumps/bruises, etc the circumstances surrounding any injury, together with the treatment given by our qualified staff who all hold current First Aid Certificates.


All our staff receive specific customer care training, however, in the rare event of a complaint arising, this may be referred to the Nursery Manager who will make every endeavour to rectify matters. A copy of the Complaints Procedure is also available at the nursery.


A separate list of fees is included with this Prospectus. Fees are payable monthly in advance on the 1st of each month. 

We can accept payment by direct debit and debit cards.

Nine months to Two-year-old funding available (criteria applies)

Two year old funding available (criteria applies)

The universal entitlement for all 3/4 Year olds is 15 Hours per week. Families that are eligible may themselves apply for an additional 15 hours of funding at which can be used as funding towards additional hours.

The nursery also accepts all valid childcare vouchers.

The nursery is a participant in the government scheme offering tax credits for working families.

Bank Holidays

Bank Holidays will be deducted from fees.


Any absence through sickness or holiday is payable in full as continuing overheads make reductions impossible.

We require one months notice before the removal of a pupil, or the discontinuation of any session, this must be given in writing. In default of such notice a month’s fees are payable in full.

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